8 ago 2007

"A feeling deeper than love"

There are no words for what I feel
they do exist, I know they do,
but most are sumarised into one.


I love you, but the feeling is deeper
what is love?
how do we recognize it?
why do we use such a word so sparingly?
dont you think there is a difference,
think of loving a flower,
think of the love shared by a newlywed couple?
how do we even know its love?
yes, if there must be a word,
let it be Love.
I love you.
But I love you as I love a field of fresh flowers,
and a cool breeze on a hot hot day,
and I love you as I love to read,
and I love you deeper than that.
What word comes after love?
I dont know.
Its a feeling that cant be described.
I love you, But I dont love you.
It's a feeling deeper than love,
A kiss on the cheek,
the sweet scent of perfume,
all those things that make one smile,
That's how much I love you.
I love you.
If I give you a word, or a phrase, it can't show a feeling
But i love you,
My heart bursts.
The feeling, the word, the phrase.
Exploding rainbow.

Melissa Castro

[ ame esto, se parece tanto a lo que pienso en estos momentos.... bueno casi siempre..]

Princess Out...

2 comentarios:

jjoorrggee dijo...

cursi..... si

cierto..... tambien

ni modo....

el termino mas trillado de la historia esta aqui para jodernos los dias



Anónimo dijo...

Estas enamorada princesa?